Kadens Kloset

When a child is removed from their home and enters foster or adoptive care, there is often little to no packing of their personal belongings, or they are lacking the basic needs for clothing, shoes, diapers, wipes and more.

Kadens Kloset: Okoboji (resource closet) serves as an important resource for these children 0-18 years of age in transition and need. Case workers or foster/adoptive parents from several surrounding counties can come to the closet to gather needed items.

Our volunteers also try and help locate special requests, such as a need for a bed, dresser, etc. in the event of emergency placements. This can even include providing bedding, toiletry and hygiene items, and school supplies.


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If you are a family that just opened your home to a child, we would love to provide meals to help you focus on bonding with the child during this transition. By requesting a meal delivery you aren’t saying you can’t cook - you’re just saying it would be nice to have that responsibility lifted a few times so you can spend more time with the kids in your care. So request a meal delivery below and we’ll coordinate a time to drop them off.

Support Group


If you are a foster, adoptive, or kinship family, our support group provides parent development as well as a connection with people with shared experiences. Support Group will start again on September 2020 (3rd Thursday, September - April). Childcare is provided.

Okoboji Wish


Okoboji Wish is an event that allows local foster and adoptive children to get a local wish granted. Get in touch and we will do our best to help a wish come true!